In 2015, Imagos assessed risks arising from weaknesses in the areas of public finance, procurement and integrity in China. The assessment took place in the framework of the Asian Development Bank’s Country Partnership Strategy 2016-2020, which has a financial volume of approximately $5 billion. It is based on reviews of other assessments, interviews at central government level and in Jiangsu and Hunan provinces, and governance indicators. The scope of the assessment includes both country systems and Asian Development Bank and other donor project systems, for the education and urban development sectors. Imagos also reviewed conditions for policy lending, and drew up a Risk Assessment and Risk Management Plan.
Improved awareness of the quality of governance and risks emanating from weaknesses in the governance system and the potential impact on lending operations. Identified intervention points for strengthening country systems and thereby reducing risks of using country systems. Clear understanding of and commitment to actions required for mitigating high risk.