Title: Sri Lanka Justice Reform Programme – JURE
Implementation Period: 2022-2026
Country: Sri Lanka
Origin of Funding: European Union, UNDP, UNICEF
Contracting Value: € 17.395,-
Title: Support to Public Administration Reform under the PAR Sector Reform Contract
Implementation Period: 2018-2023
Country: Serbia
Origin of Funding: Delegation of the European Union to Serbia
Contracting Value: € 732.000,-
Title: Governance Risk Assessment
Country: Papua New Guinea
Implementation Period: 2020
Origin of Funding: Asian Development Bank
Contracting Value: € 22.750,-
Title: Procurement Risk Assessment (Update)
Country: Mongolia
Implementation Period: 2020
Origin of Funding: Asian Development Bank
Contracting Value: € 19.500,-
Title: Compliance Review, Sector Reform Contract for Justice Reform (SRC JR)
Implementation Period: 2020-2023
Country: Albania
Origin of Funding: European Commission
Contracting Value: € 44.100,-
Title: Procurement Risk Assessment
Country: Mongolia
Implementation Period: 2016-2017
Origin of Funding: Asian Development Bank
Contracting Value: € 32.636,-
Title: Procurement Risk Assessment
Country: China
Implementation Period: 2016-2017
Origin of Funding: Asian Development Bank
Contracting Value: € 52.499,-
Title: Municipal Economic Development (MED) – Phase II
Country: Serbia
Implementation Period: 2016
Origin of Funding: Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC)
Contracting Value: CHF 18.473,-
Title: Thematic Evaluation of Support to Public Administration Reform (PAR)
Country: EU Accession and Neighbourhood Couuntries
Implementation Period: 2016-2017
Origin of Funding: European Union
Contracting Value: € 11.685,-
Title: Governance Risk Assessment at Country and Priority Sector Levels
Country: China
Implementation Period: 2015
Origin of Funding: Asian Development Bank
Contracting Value: € 35.342,-
Title: Governance Risk Assessment at Country and Priority Sector Levels
Country: Mongolia
Implementation Period: 2015
Origin of Funding: Asian Development Bank
Contracting Value: € 34.459,-
Title: Energy Efficiency in the Grid- Connected Energy Supply ENEV-III, Capacity Development (CapDev)
Country: Mongolia
Implementation Period: 2015-2016
Origin of Funding: German Development Cooperation (GIZ)
Contracting Value: € 49.500,-
Title: Further Support to Kosovo Legal Education Reform
Country: Kosovo (UNSCR 1244)
Implementation Period: 2014-2015
Origin of Funding: European Union
Contracting Value: € 26.650,-
Title: Outcome Evaluation of UNDP Good Governance Programme
Country: Serbia
Implementation Period: 2014-2015
Origin of Funding: UNDP
Contracting Value: € 23.200,-
Title: Prevention and Fight Against Corruption
Country: Serbia
Implementation Period: 2014-2015
Origin of Funding: European Union
Contracting Value: € 16.500,-
Title: EU-Vietnam Strategic Dialogue Facility
Country: Vietnam
Implementation Period: 2013-2015
Origin of Funding: European Union
Contracting Value: € 16.148,-
Title: Evaluation of Governance, Rule of Law, Judiciary Reform and Fight Against Corruption and Organised Crime in the Western Balkans (Lot 3)
Country: Western Balkans
Implementation Period: 2011-2012
Origin of Funding: European Union
Contracting Value: € 342.300,-
Title: Evaluation of Governance, Rule of Law, Judiciary Reform and Fight Against Corruption and Organised Crime in the Western Balkans (Lot 2)
Country: Western Balkans
Implementation Period: 2011-2012
Origin of Funding: European Union
Contracting Value: € 144.230,-