Good Governance

Leaders can advance good governance more effectively if they know where to intervene in a given development situation. This requires an understanding of how the interactions between governance domains and organizations connect to the concept of good governance. This training focuses on the role and functioning of a National Integrity System. The seminar consists of eight sessions, spread over four working days. The purpose of the first session is to highlight the concepts of accountability, transparency, integrity and ethics within the context of a model of good governance. The second session  introduces participants to the nature of oversight mechanisms, with a focus on the role of legislatures. Session three discusses various aspects of corruption, including the main players and measures in the combat against corruption, leading to the presentation of the model of a National Integrity System, based on the work of Transparency International. Based on this presentation, Session Four discusses this model in greater detail. In Session Five, participants are asked to organise in three groups and work on a case study, followed by presentations in plenary. Session six focuses on the role of civil society, including NGOS, in combating corruption. The last two sessions stress the importance of access to information among the pillars of integrity, and the function of the ombudsman and other watchdog institutions.

Target Group

Senior public officials, and executives from private sector and civil society

Benefits of Training

Participants will be able to pin down shortcomings in the current governance system more accurately and design more focused governance actions with the whole system in mind.

Learning Outcomes

  • Participants understand the concept of good governance, how it relates to government and the state, and why a certain system of governance is received differently in different countries?
  • Participants know the foundations and main pillars of Good Governance and appreciate how governance culture influences the nature of public sector management.
  • Participants are familiar with the main types of corruption do we know and approaches to defining corruption. They are aware of the criteria which an action or non-action should meet in order to qualify as corruption and can distinguish between more or less serious cases of corruption.
  • Participants are familiar with the players in the combat against corruption, the roles of the state,  international organizations, trans-national corporations and civil society?
  • Participants know the current dominant diagnostic tools and guidelines to identify strengths and weaknesses in financial management and to identify potential corruption hotspots in government institutions.

Seminar Methods

Lectures, learning through feedback and experiences of achievement, individual and group work, role-play, editing own practice cases. The seminar integrates participants’ real life work situations, in order to ensure the effective transfer of newly acquired skills and knowledge.


Participants receive additional information and details on the seminars, including practice worksheets.


Four Days